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Clinical feedback on Head Immobiliser for conscious sedation

Clinical feedback on Head Immobiliser for conscious sedation

[Jul 18, 2023]

A percutaneous stroke intervention case was successfully completed at a New Zealand hospital under conscious sedation with the Head Immobiliser, impressing even the local anaesthetists.


The clinicians had ascertained that the use of General Anaesthesia was not the ideal option for Patient X due to certain comorbidities. If the patient was made to go through GA, they would require intubation and ventilation post-procedure, as well as a critical level of care that would put the Intensive Care Unit under unwanted duress due to being at capacity.

The clinical team then agreed to perform the intervention with the patient ‘awake’ using the Head Immobiliser, with a plan to stop and convert to GA should problems arise.

The success of the intervention,

“resulted in an optimal level of patient care given the acute nature of their condition without unnecessarily putting more burden on our Department of Critical Care Medicine”, says the Radiologist.

Supporting You

There is no better compliment to the Head Immobiliser than a job done well. Our ethos of “Supporting You” was well and truly demonstrated and recognised.

Here’s to another tool in the toolkit.

Would you try conscious sedation on your next intervention?

Learn more about the Head Immobiliser here